
June 2022 Garden Tips

June is here, and so is the rain, which is promptly accompanied by weeds and garden chores. Follow these June Garden Tips to keep your yard in check! Deadhead! Yes, it is that serious. Deadheading is merely the removal of spent blooms. Deadhead all spring flowers. Removing the dead blooms will promote new blooms and […]

Tricks of the Trade | Landscaping Hacks

Believe it or not, there are tricks of the trade that Green Biz landscaping teams have implemented to become more efficient and design cleaner landscapes. Continue reading to learn Jane’s tricks of the trade! Create a New Edge When Installing Mulch When installing mulch, it is imperative to create a new edge for the landscape […]

Spiral Topiary: Step by Step Guide

Have you tried or considered trimming your Topiary? Topiary trees are great to add character to any outdoor space. But, let’s be honest, shaping and maintaining a topiary will take patience.  The Bottom of the Topiary 1. Plant your boxwood in a large container with your soil-based potting mix.  To shape a spiral with a […]

6 Ways to Upgrade Your Summer Landscaping

Looking for the dirt on how to enhance your landscaping this summer? You have come to the right place. Summer is a great time to touch up outdoor areas and add an extension to your living areas. Here is a look at some great and simple ways to get the beautification you are looking for! […]