Most plants in your landscape can handle the cold our winters bring to Fayetteville, NC. But, there are times when the temperatures get lower than many plants can tolerate. These subfreezing temperatures can damage the foliage of many cold hardy plants and root systems! Continue reading to learn our Winter Outdoor Plant Care Tips and how to protect your plants this winter.

Can you still plant in the cold?

Yes, in Fayetteville, NC, you can still plant in the cold and during the winter months. While it may not be a very comfortable task given the colder temperatures, most plants and trees will handle the winter installation. Winter is one of the better times to plant in Fayetteville, NC. The temperatures are milder (a departure from our blistering hot summers), and rainfall is more abundant. These two things combined reduce the risk of transplant shock.

Mulch Perennials

While most cold hardy shrubs and trees will handle the winters and sub-freezing temperatures, many perennials planted in the ground will need a little extra protection to endure the freezing temperatures. Since the top portion of the part has gone dormant, the root system is the only thing that needs to be protected. One can protect the perennials’ roots by mulching over the top of the plant with hardwood mulch, pine bark nuggets, or even pine straw. Doing so will insulate the root system and help protect it from the cold.

If temperatures drop into the ‘teens or even the single digits, perennials planted in pots may not survive if left in the open air. Luckily, Fayetteville doesn’t typically experience temperatures dropping this low. However, if this does happen, moving your pots with perennials into a garage or indoors is a good idea and will save your wintering-over perennials.

Covering Plants

If temperatures get low enough, the foliage on many plants, even evergreens, can freeze. This can cause damage that rolls into the spring and the growing season. Covering your more tender plants can help protect them from this damage. We recommend using burlap, shade cloth, or even a sheet. Do not use plastic! This can cause even more damage to your plants!

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