Landscape Design Fayetteville

Creating a Winter Interest Landscape in Fayetteville, North Carolina

Winter can be a dreary and gray time of year! Your beautiful, vibrant spring landscape has turned brown and tired. But did you know you can create a colorful and vibrant landscape that provides interest all year? Continue reading to learn our recommendations for creating a winter interest landscape in Fayetteville, North Carolina! Evergreens This […]

November Gardening Tips for Fayetteville, North Carolina

With summer behind us, it is time to transition into fall…if you haven’t already done so! With colder weather and Christmas right around the corner, there are plenty of outdoor tasks to mark off your list while the weather permits! Continue reading to learn our recommended November Gardening Tips for Fayetteville, North Carolina! Irrigation Winterization […]

Deer Resistant Plants and Flowers

You may love your wildlife but don’t love that they eat all your plants. While no plant is 100% safe from deer, some plants tend to be more deer resistant than others. Continue reading to learn about Jane’s favorite Deer Resistant Plants and Flowers. Sprays and Physical Barriers If you love your hostas and hydrangeas […]

May Gardening Tips

Spring is finally here! Living in North Carolina means we get to experience a true spring. The days are warm, and the nights are cool – the perfect combination! Since it is warming up, it is time to get outside and tackle your yard! Continue reading to learn our May gardening tips! Herbs & Vegetables […]

April Gardening Tips

It is the most beautiful time of the year! Springtime in North Carolina is unlike any other state’s spring. The temperatures are perfect, the sun is shining, the birds are chirping, the grasses are green, and the flowers have just begun to bloom. Here are a few April gardening tips to help you get the […]

Early Spring Fruit Tree Pruning

Pruning your fruit trees is an important task to complete before the fruit trees begin to bud. Continue reading to learn the importance of early spring fruit tree pruning and how to prune correctly! Begin with Clean Pruners The first step in early spring fruit tree pruning is to gather the proper tools. Depending on […]

March Gardening Tips

Spring is on its way, and we couldn’t be more excited! Make the best use of your garden bed in March using these March Gardening Tips! Fertilize Now is the time to begin fertilizing shrubs and shade trees as they break out of dormancy. This will give an extra boost to the plant material that […]

February Garden Tips

Are you wondering how to make the best use of your garden bed in February? Check out these February garden tips below! Mulch or Pine Straw Install Mulch or pine straw in your beds if you haven’t already done so. Doing this will protect the roots of shrubs, trees, and perennials from the winter temperatures […]

Top Reasons to Plant in the Fall

Many homeowners are surprised to learn that spring is not the best season to landscape your yard. While spring is a good time to plant, it isn’t the best season. In Fayetteville, NC the fall season is the mildest in temperatures and provides the most consistent rain. Continue reading to learn the top reasons to […]

How to Make Your Crape Myrtle Bloom All Summer Long

Besides Southern Magnolias, Crape Myrtles are the iconic tree of the Southeastern United States. Known for its crepe-like flowers, this tree can withstand the scorching summer temperatures and even our drought-like conditions. While the crape myrtle is a reasonably resilient tree, there are still some basic TLC tasks that can help your crape myrtle thrive […]