Believe it or not, the location of a shrub plays a vital role in its survival rate! It is essential to be able to answer some fundamental questions when installing plants in your yard. Shrub placement is the most critical aspect of creating a landscape that thrives.
Sunny or Shady?
“Is it sunny or shady” is the single most important question to ask yourself when installing plant material. Many plants will not thrive in full sun locations, while some plants will thrive in full sun. For example, most azaleas are shade and filtered light plants. Shade plants must be planted in a shady area that does not receive the hot sun. If azaleas are planted in a spot in your yard that receives 4 – 6 hours of hot sun, this plant will not survive.
The opposite is true for a ‘Golden Helleri’ Holly. This plant has golden coloring and needs full sun (6 hours of full sunlight) to not only survive but to also keep its beautiful yellow tips. When planning a landscape, it is crucial to examine and record the sunlight that each bed or area is receiving throughout the day. Make a note of the intensity and the duration of the sunlight. Knowing this information will make a huge difference!
How big do you want the plant to grow?
The most prominent mistake homeowners make when planting around his or her home is installing plant material that will eventually outgrow the space. We see this a lot with Leyland Cypress and most arborvitae! Do your research! For example, do not plant a shrub that grows to be 5 feet tall in front your dining room window. This goes for shade trees, too!
Where in your yard will this plant go?
If you are planting a shade tree, do not plant it next to your house, as it can damage the foundation and siding. Some trees should not be planted near drive-ways, sidewalks, or pavers, as their roots can grow close to the surface and eventually ruin your concrete work. When installing plant material, also bear in mind where your septic tank and other utility lines are located. For example, you do not want to plant a Weeping Willow near water lines or a septic tank, as their roots grow towards water. Save the Weeping Willow for the pond several yards away.
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