With each transition to a new season, there is some form of preparation that should take place to ensure the survival of your lawn. Continue reading to learn how you should be preparing your lawn for fall.
Keeping your lawn watered is essential up until the ground freezes. Until this time, the lawn is still actively growing and requires consistent water. Additionally, keeping your lawn watered will help it recover from the summer heat and stress. This will also help build up the root system of the lawn.
Fertilizing one last time before the season transitions to winter is very important. Ensuring that the lawn has proper nutrients before heading into hibernation will help the lawn come out of dormancy healthier and stronger. A winterizer fertilizer is the best fertilizer to use in the fall. The nutrient breakdown of this particular fertilizer is 4% nitrogen, 1% phosphorus, and 2% potassium.
Before you mow, ensure that your lawn is as weed-free as possible. If enough weeks are present when you mow you may run the risk of helping the weeds reseed. Additionally, you do not want weeds to winter over in your lawn.
When mowing in the fall, be sure to mow your grass to about 1-2 inches in height. Keeping your grass too high in the winter may allow your lawn to attract fungi.
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