Proper care for your fruit trees is imperative for the trees to produce fruit! Therefore, early spring is a great time to complete some general maintenance on your trees. Continue reading to learn the essential steps of Early Spring Fruit Tree Care!


Fertilization is a fundamental step in any tree care program. Fertilization is simply adding nutrients to the soil. For example, if you planted your fruit tree last spring in nutrient-dense soil, you probably won’t need to fertilize in the early spring. Additionally, if your fruit tree grew well over the previous growing season, fertilizer in early spring may not be necessary. However, if your fruit tree did not grow as anticipated, applying 10-10-10 fertilizer may benefit this tree.

Pest Control

It is essential to be on the offense instead of on the defense when it comes to pests on your fruit trees! Preventative maintenance is crucial in keeping your fruit trees healthy and safe from pests.

One can perform preventative maintenance in the early spring by applying a dormant oil spray. This spray sits on the tree and smothers any pests that have already called your tree home.

Fungicide can be applied about one week after the dormant spray. Even if your tree hasn’t had a problem with fungus, it is crucial to treat your tree for fungus preventatively.


The only pruning that should be completed in the early spring is what Jane calls a general clean-up. It is important not to prune off any live branches or branches with buds. Removing these branches will take away the necessary buds needed for fruit. Instead, Jane recommends only removing dead branches and suckers coming up from the base of the trunk.


Mulching is both for looks and for purpose. Mulching can help keep the roots of your fruit tree cooler and retains moisture. Additionally, mulching can help eliminate weeds around the base of the tree.

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