Using plants within and around your home adds a certain charm to your space. Depending on where you live in the country, you may move your houseplants outside during the warmer months and then carry them inside during the colder months. If you are one to give your houseplants some fresh air and then move them indoors, continue reading as Jane discusses specific tasks to be completed when bringing your plants inside.

Inspect & Clean-Up

The first step in bringing your plants indoors is to inspect all houseplants for disease and insects. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure! Next, clean-up your plants by removing any debris. If debris is left in and on the plant, especially at the soil line, diseases may grow. Dead leaves on the soil line is the perfect place for fungus to grow as the moisture from the soil gives the fungus just the right amount of humidity to flourish.

Apply Systemic Insecticide

Pre-treat your houseplants by applying a systemic insecticide. This is especially important if you missed any insects when completing your inspection. Systemic insecticide is absorbed through the root system and is transferred to every inch of the plant. Generally, systemic insecticides work for about two months. Be sure to reapply as necessary.

Don’t Overwater

Overwatering is the number one way people kill houseplants. Don’t overwater! Before watering pick up the plant. If the plant feels light, it probably needs to be water. The next way to check the moisture level of your plant is to stick your finger into the soil line about one inch. If the soil is dry, you can water the plant. Keep in mind, some varieties only need water once a month, while others may need to be watered a couple of times a week. Be mindful of what types of plants you are watering!

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