Stone Mulch

Shade Loving Plants

Don’t let the shady areas in your yard make you feel defeated! It is an excellent opportunity to bring in some lush plants to fill in the space. Continue reading to learn Jane’s recommendations for shade-loving plants! Mahonia Mahonias come in several varieties, some being smaller growers, while others grow to 3-4 feet. While mahonias […]

Evergreen Plants

Winter can be a difficult time of year. The skies are gray, the air is cold, and your yard is typically bare and brown. The easiest way to rectify a boring winter landscape is to plant more evergreen plants! Continue reading to learn more about evergreen plants and the best ones to plant for an […]

Pine Straw? Wood Mulch? Stone?

Do you mulch with pine straw? Should you mulch with a wood variety? Could you mulch with stone? Do you even mulch? Pine Straw, Stone or Wood Mulch? The purpose of all these choices is to aid in maintaining soil moisture, control soil temperature, slow weed growth, and provide beauty and contrast to a landscape.  Also, it can […]